
Funding opportunities

Teaching opportunities

  • The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) provides resources for postdoctoral fellows who wish to build academic careers in which teaching will play a significant role.  As a part of these efforts, the CTE offers an accredited certificate program in pedagogy – the Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning (GCTL).
  • Qualified postdoctoral fellows can serve as Instructor of Record (IOR) for a course offered in the School of Engineering. The fellow must be directly supervised by an experienced faculty member in the academic unit or department sponsoring the course. The fellow will be listed as a co/instructor in the official course program. The fellow and the faculty member may coordinate the fellow’s teaching responsibilities, to a varying capacity. The faculty member may contact the School to request a teaching evaluation form, in order to provide constructive feedback to the fellow. See guidelines here.
  • Instructors of Record may also contact the CTE with a request for a formal teaching evaluation and feedback, to be performed by a CTE representative.

Preparation for an academic position

  • The Future Faculty Fellows (FFF) Program in Rice's School of Engineering is designed to help graduate students and postdocs explore the tenure track academic career path, compete successfully for tenure track faculty positions, and launch their careers.

Career and professional development

  • The School of Engineering Communication Program offers courses, workshops, one-on-one coaching, and other activities to help individuals more clearly communicate the significance of their work in papers, presentations, posters, and interviews.