Dr. Manuel Iburg

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RPA Profile

Manuel is the acting president of the RPA. He is a representative of the School of Engineering.

Professional Profile

I grew up and went to school in the countryside near Hanover, Germany. My academic education began at Leibniz University in Hanover and I graduated with an M. Sc. in 2014. During my Masters, I also spent time abroad, working in Yamaguchi Lab (Tokyo Institute of Technology). Moving to Berlin, I did research on protein homeostasis (group of Janine Kirstein) at the FMP and was awarded my PhD from Humboldt University in 2021. My current position in the group of George Lu began in April 2021, where I work on establishing ultrasound-mediated cellular control ("Sonogenetics") and understanding the assembly of bacterial gas vesicles. I love cooking and baking, which is why you will often see me hand out food to peers! Besides German and English, I also speak Japanese and a bit of Spanish.